Hey! I’m Kashia, a mama to 2 very active, spunky, full of life little girls! I am actually very proud of those adjectives because it’s exactly what I wanted to mold my babies to be. Before I became a mom, I was a hair stylist, a collegiate cheerleader & active gym goer. Now, I’m still an active gym goer (more so to keep up with my littles!), my hair styling skills have been 100% focused on my creole daughter’s hair &
Polynesian babies hair and my cheerleading skills have been brought to the sidelines of toddler gymnastics. I’m an activist for adoption & infertility and won’t ever stop being proud of our story. I absolutely love how everyone’s stories are different in this world & learning all about them. It’s what makes this world go round & more interesting. I’ve always loved how fashion is an expression for who you are inside. Mine has evolved as I’ve grown into different roles but one thing hasn’t changed, my love for functional & flattering in one piece.
Kashia Palmer Mother / Hair Stylist

Meet Kashia
Get to know Kashia
How does 1822 fit into your style story?
As a mom of 2 under 3, comfort but put together is key. I have never been a huge legging girl but I also need jeans that aren't constricting. I love how comfy & versatile 1822 jeans are. I can easily be jumping on the trampoline or going on a bike ride with my littles, or dress them up with some heels and a cute top to go out with my husband.
How do you feel about social media in the age of body positivity?
It's so refreshing to see EVERY body represented through everyone's platforms. One thing I love about social media is that there are not "written in stone" rules. Everyone's platform is there own and represent them. I love seeing brands share one dress on 3 different sized models or designers have different size and heights of models because their clothes look beautiful on everyone. I know there can be cruel things said on the internet but those voices are fewer in number then the ones cheering on body positivity and diversity.

What is your ideal vacation?
I've recently been more intrigued with people's lifestyles rather then relaxing on warm beach. I love being immersed in people's cultures to see how they live. My ideal vacation would be for me and my husband to travel to really anywhere and be a fly on the wall on how people live in that country. I've never been set on certain location so anywhere in the world to see how that side of it lives. It's beautiful and different to me and opens my eyes and my own world to other people.
What is your favorite type of 1822 Denim Jeans?
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your high waisted butter denim. They are perfect for the active mommy. I am not fussing over keeping them up or being constricting. They honestly feel better then your high waisted everyday leggings ;-)